
学历:本科 | 工作年限:一年以上 | 年龄:不限
最后刷新:2020/04/02 12:00:00



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中小企业客户经理 职位描述

Scope of Role:
Driving business targets of the Business Banking segment. Keep abreast with Business Banking market developments to achieve better customer service and sharpened sales focus.

· 通过有效管理现有中小企业客户资产组合从而完成业绩与指标;
· 通过为客户提供量身定制的金融方案以满足客户需求,与客户建立紧密合作;
· 通过深入研究客户需求,延伸以及拓展现有客户关系;
· 通过对潜力客户提供优先服务激发收益最大化;
· 通过销售中小企业金融现有产品和新产品,开发新客户,并交叉销售其他零售银行产品;
· 识别业务监控、测试,并报告审计发现、例外情况以及结果;
· 通过审阅客户信贷申请、收集并分析财务数据等相关数据能够对客户的贷款申请做出基本的信用判断;制定和商榷信用建议书和批准申请的条件;
· 管理现有中小企业客户资产组合,通过提供全方位的银行服务完成分配的业绩指标;
· 监测以及确保严格执行中小企业客户尽职调查 ;
· 在集团合规指引以及监管部门政策下开展业务;
· 紧跟中小企业市场最新发展动态,结合产品及服务的更新升级,给予总部管理层反馈以确保总部产品部门能够作出及时的产品更新;
· 能够完成直线经理分配的临时目标及任务,为部门的顺利运作提供适当和必要的支持;
· 负责实施各项反洗钱的要求并且确保符合反洗钱的合规要求;
· 充分了解案件防控的重要性,防范案件风险,确保职位安全稳定的运行,严格遵守部门管理办法,确保完成相关培训并在日常工作中严格遵守相关法律法规;
· 充分了解客户权益保护的重要性,防止损害客户利益,完成有关客户权益保护的相关政策要求, 确保完成相关的培训,并在日常工作中时刻将将客户权益放在心中。

Key Responsibilities/Challenges:
? Ensure customer portfolio are well managed to deliver business performance and achieve targets
? Maintain close relationship with Business Banking customers in providing solution based initiatives to meet their needs.
? Build and expand existing customer relationship through in-depth analysis of their needs.
? Priorities activities to maximize revenue contribution from the high potential customers.
? Acquire new business via outselling of existing/new Business Banking products to SMEs, and cross-sell other RC products.
? Interview credit application, collect and analyze financial and related data to determine the general creditworthiness of the prospect and merits of the special loan request, establish and negotiate terms under which credit proposal and application for approval.
? Manage and outserve existing allocated portfolio of Business Banking customers, and achieved the assigned revenue target via providing of total banking solutions.
? Responsible for identifying the business monitoring and testing and reporting findings, exceptions and results from such monitoring/testing activities.
? To monitor and ensure strict execution of KYC policy within the Business Banking.
? To constantly operate within the compliances guidelines set by group standard and/or local regulations.
? Constantly stay in touch with SME market to understand the latest development in the SME market in term of products and/or services, to suggest and help the Business Banking management in implementation of new product and/or services of Business Banking China.
? From time to time, to complete ad hoc tasks assigned by the line manager, deemed appropriate and necessary for the smooth functioning of the department.
? Accountable for implementing and complying with AML requirements when performing duties.
? Fully understand the importance of fraud prevention, prevent fraud risks, maintain safe and steady operation of the position, implement regulatory requirements of fraud prevention, strictly execute DOIs of the department, ensure to complete relevant trainings and embed fraud prevention in daily work
? Fully understand the importance of consumer rights protection, prevent damage to consumer’s best interest, implement regulatory requirements related to consumer rights protection, ensure to complete relevant trainings and to always embed consumer rights protection mindset when performing daily work.

· 大学本科及以上学历,金融及相关专业者优先;
· 有相关银行业销售经验者优先;
· 有相关企业客户尤其是中小企业客户销售经验者优先
· 熟知贸易融资产品者优先
· 拥有市场开发能力、沟通能力、社交能力者优先
· 愿意承受工作压力;
· 积极乐观,以客户为中心,能够自我激励,有较强的团队意识;
· 有良好的英文写作能力。

Selection Criteria:
? University degree in Finance or related discipline is preferred.
? With certain years of banking experience preferred.
? Experience in selling to corporate customers, specifically to small and medium enterprises (SME) preferred.
? Knowledge of trade finance products preferred.
? Good marketing, communication, and interpersonal skill preferred.
? Willing to work under pressure
? Proactive, positive attitude, customer oriented, self-motivated & a strong champion of team work spirit
? Good command in written English preferred.
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渣打银行(中国)有限公司 公司介绍
渣打是一家领先的国际银行,在全球一些最有活力的市场上经营150多年,拥有员工超过80,000名。我们为遍布亚洲、非洲和中东市场的个人和企业客户提供金融服务,支持他们进行投资、开展贸易,并实现财富增值。这些市场为集团带来90%以上的营运收入和利润。渣打的文化传承和企业价值都在其品牌承诺 “一心做好,始终如一(Here for good)”中得到充分体现。


2018 年是渣打银行在华 160 周年,自 1858 年在中国上海开设首家分行开始,其在华业务经营从未间断。2007 年 4 月,渣打银行(中国)有限公司成为第一批本地法人银行之一。这充分显示了渣打对中国市场的承诺以及在银行业的领先地位。目前,渣打银行在全国近 30 个城市拥有超过 100 家营业网点。

渣打银行赢得众多权威行业机构和媒体颁发的奖项和荣誉。2017 年所获荣誉包括: 《第一财经》、《经济观察报》和《每日经济新闻》年度最佳外资银行大奖,澎湃年度国际影响力银行,《环球金融》最佳“一带一路”外资银行大奖、最佳人民币服务银行、最佳大宗商品银行、最 佳企业社会责任银行,《财资》最佳流动资金管理奖、最佳供应链融资方案、最佳结构贸易融资方案、最佳现金管理解决方案和能源类年度最佳项目奖,《贸易金融》最佳现金管理产品创新银行,中国银行业协会的中国银行业理财机构最佳转型奖,《证券时报》中国稳健收益型银行理财产品君鼎奖,《上海证券报》年度净值型理财产品卓越奖,《经济观察报》年度值得托付的财富管理机构,《国际金融报》国际先锋理财机构大奖,《财富管理》最佳大陆地区外资财富管理银行,《华尔街见闻》年度银行卓越产品之外币专家,英国商会和美国商会的企业社会责任教育类突出贡献奖,陆家嘴金融城发展局、第一财经、上海交通大学上海高级金融学院的社会责任实践奖,上海市银行同业公会年度“一带一路”最佳公关案例,以及猎聘网年度多元非凡雇主奖。
渣打银行(中国)有限公司 工作地点





公司网址: https://www.sc.com/cn/
